Note: While most of this material is still “under construction” and a work in progress, you may still obtain a PDF version of the table of contents and/or the entire manual by simply requesting a copy via email under the Contact Page. In making your request, please keep in mind that though each manual is able to stand alone, it is recommended to follow the RQ sequence provided below.


RQ or Relationship Quotient is the art of developing your relationship skills that directly impact both your vertical relationship with God and your horizontal relationship with others. As we may not have learned how to do relationships well with others horizontally, we may similarly not have not learned how to do relationship well with God vertically; and vice versa. Furthermore, because we may not have encountered or known or how to be truly loved by God well vertically, we may not known how to truly love others well horizontally.

As relationship enhancement is something we could all use more of, RQ manuals have been developed for anyone and everyone. A series of manuals have been designed with a practical step by step approach to help you improve your overall relationship skills. The material is primarily exercise-focused and entirely interactive so that you can easily grasp each of the concepts and start putting them into practice immediately. Most of the subject matter is public information and can be freely used without permission. These manuals were designed for anyone who may be seeking to enhance their relational skills, learn to truly love well and/or simply get along!

RQ 101
RQ 201
RQ 301
RQ 401


Note: While most if not all the material presented within these manuals can be applied vertically in your RQ with God, a full “Spiritual Connection” is still pending!

RQ 101

Acquiring the necessary relational skills is foundational to growing and maintaining your RQ or Relationship Quotient. As the key indicators to doing relationships well, this manual primarily focuses on the way we communicate and resolve conflicts. We were designed for healthy relationships and some of the basic building blocks to knowing how to do relationships well is ultimately found within our own ability and willingness to grow up, learn new skills, put them into practice and then simply doing it all over again!


As you can only be as spiritually mature as you are emotionally and relationally mature, it is imperative that we truly learn how to do relationships well in order to avoid the further breakdown of marriage, family and God’s design as a whole. This is one of the biggest emphasis in Scripture and what leads to true spiritual, emotional and relational maturity. We can hear, read and talk about the importance of biblical principles all day long, or we can actually do something about it and learn how to effectively apply those necessary principles within our relationships!

RQ 201

In times of conflict, our natural tendency is to seek some form of resolve by way of our predisposed coping mechanisms. Rather than turn to each other for connection, we may look to what is familiar or what we are accustomed to apart from relationship. The intent of this manual is to address the harmful attachments that have caused these unhealthy patterns so that we may begin to develop healthier, more secure attachments. As we take our angst to relationship for relief, we learn how to grow and develop deeper bonds of connection with each other as we were always intended.


It is within one of the first commands in Scripture to “leave and cleave” (Gen. 2:24) that we see God’s desire for us to “leave” the harmful attachments and sin patterns born within us so that we may freely “cleave” and form more secure attachments. To grow in our vertical relationship with God, it necessitates that we “leave” or detach from unhealthy horizontal ties with others so that we may “cleave” and attach more fully to Him. This is the true expression of what God always intended for us in relationship both with Him and others!

RQ 301

When your fears or core beliefs supersede the relationship, they may either manifest as expectations, breached boundaries or both. To restore your sense of self, you may inadvertently seek to somehow violate the relationship at the other’s expense. Yet as there are always at least two people in a fractured relationship, it is evident that we need to learn it is not so much about seeking my way or your way, but rather a better way together. The purpose of this manual is to help you practically develop both healthy boundaries and realistic expectations, while identifying the fears and core beliefs that hinder you from allowing you to finally be on the same page!


Though we may have the Scriptures as our guidebook, we have not really known how to effectively apply its principles within our relationships. As we recognize the distinction in our approaches and together with God agree upon its best method of practice, it is just a matter of consistently following through with it’s application. As you surrender your ways for the sake of the other and ultimately follow after God’s ways together, it no longer becomes about my way or your way but His ways, which has always been the best way!

RQ 401

Deep relationships carry great responsibility. To cultivate intimacy and build strong relationships, it often takes asking the hard questions and having the difficult conversations. Sometimes having the type of relationship you desire requires that you define the relationship before it defines you. As your degree of connection typically determines your level of influence, this manual is intended to help you identify the type of relationships you currently have so that you may proceed to effectively grow in intimacy within them as much as you are both willing and able.


To have the type of intimacy God always intended in relationship, we need to learn how to grow up so that we may be able to help others grow up. As we step into maturity, we are better equipped to steward our relationships and properly influence those to whom we have been called. The stronger the relationships, the more influence we have within them. Maturing in our vertical relationship with God naturally enables us to grow into even deeper, more intimate horizontal relationships with others.


This manual was designed as a small taste or compilation of all the other RQ manuals combined. As we learn to do our vertical relationship with God well, it helps us grow in maturity and do our horizontal relationships with others well, and vice versa. We need the vertical to do the horizontal; and we need the horizontal to do the vertical. When the vertical and horizontal collide, your RQ with each other ultimately becomes a direct extension and beautiful expression of your RQ with God.

Note: Although not explicitly stated, it is important to note that most if not all of the content presented in this manual is meant to be applied vertically within your “RQ with God” in order to bring the purpose of all these manuals into full circle.




More to come…
• Additional Manuals
• Power Points
• Audio & Video Formats