Inspired by the two greatest commandments found in Luke 10:27, “Love the Lord your God” and “Love your neighbor as yourself,” the following Biblically-based material has been developed to help you create a rhythm of cultivating intimacy both vertically in your spirit with God (SQ) and horizontally in your relationships with others (RQ).

Note: While most of this material is “under construction” or a work in progress, you may still obtain a PDF version by simply requesting a copy via email under the Contact Page. In making your request, please keep in mind that though each manual is able to stand alone, it is recommended to follow the SQ or RQ sequences provided.


SQ or Spiritual Quotient has everything to do with cultivating intimacy with God. SQ is reflective of your spiritual state in light of the presence of God within you. Your Spiritual Quotient is enhanced as you spend time in communion with God. Your SQ is meant to expand the depths of God’s presence within your spirit and fill your innermost being that inevitably can’t help but overflow onto the world around you.

Regardless of how good you are or whether you feel you often miss the mark, you have been given the immense privilege of partaking in an intimate, abiding relationship with God. Therefore, whether you desire to grow in your SQ or would simply like to spend more time with God but don’t know exactly how or what to do, the following brief manuals were developed precisely with you in mind. Each of the manuals include a dozen interactive guides to help you enhance your SQ with God.



RQ or Relationship Quotient is the art of developing your relationship skills that directly impact both your vertical relationship with God and your horizontal relationship with others. As we may not have learned how to do relationships well with others horizontally, we may similarly not have not learned how to do relationship well with God vertically; and vice versa. Furthermore, because we may not have encountered or known or how to be truly loved by God well vertically, we may not known how to truly love others well horizontally.

As relationship enhancement is something we could all use more of, RQ manuals have been developed for anyone and everyone. A series of manuals have been designed with a practical step by step approach to help you improve your overall relationship skills. The material is primarily exercise-focused and entirely interactive so that you can easily grasp each of the concepts and start putting them into practice immediately. Most of the subject matter is public information and can be freely used without permission. These manuals were designed for anyone who may be seeking to enhance their relational skills, learn to truly love well and/or simply get along!

RQ 101
RQ 201
RQ 301
RQ 401